“UNIONLINE – Put 0300 333 0303 in your phone now. You can call us about any employment law or personal injury law problem and we will provide legal advice if you are a GMB member. Our employment law service provides complete advice and representation to GMB members at no cost – if you are worried about anything at work, then call us.Our accident and injury service is also free of charge* to GMB members and their families. Don’t call a number you have seen on the TV or in an advert, call UNIONLINE. UNIONLINE can offer something no other service can give you – 100 per cent of your damages with no deductions for GMB members and their families.No other service can offer you that: THEY WILL ALWAYS MAKE A DEDUCTION. UNIONLINE never will. All of your compensation goes to you as a GMB member. Worried about debt, or a bad landlord? Call UNIONLINE. Whatever problems you have we will try and help you, providing quality local legal advice. So put 0300 333 0303 in your phone and remember, GMB is your union and this is your union law firm. It is not out to make a fast buck, its job is to provide the best legal service in the country to GMB members.” *Subject to rule.WHEN ACCIDENTS HAPPEN
When an accident happens in your workplace phone GMB’s own law firm UNIONLINEimmediately on 0300 333 3030 and register the details of the accident. Report any illness that might be work related, for example long exposure to dust may cause lung problems.
When an accident happens in your workplace phone GMB’s own law firm UNIONLINEimmediately on 0300 333 3030 and register the details of the accident. Report any illness that might be work related, for example long exposure to dust may cause lung problems.
UNIONLINE is GMB’s own firm of lawyers that provide GMB’s Legal Service in cases of personal
injury and employment law to GMB members.
Your access to UNIONLINE is part of your GMB membership and, once agreed*, your case will cost you nothing and you will receive 100% of any award or compensation UNIONLINE wins for your injury. *Subject to rule.

Posted: 29th May 2014