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Meet the Team

Jo-Anne Callaghan

Jo-Anne Callaghan

Position: Branch President
Email Address:
Mobile Number: 07300 801855

Hi, My name is Jo Callaghan, I would like to introduce myself to you all, as the new Branch President and Full Time Convener for GMB@EEAS, as our previous, Full time Convener and Branch President Donna Thomas, is leaving the Trust to work fulltime for the GMB. I have worked in the NHS since 1999, where I started my career as part of the domestic staff in Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow. I then went on to become an Auxiliary Nurse on the Cardiac Ward. In 2004, I moved with my family to Norfolk and began working as a Health Care assistant, in West Suffolk Hospital, first on a General Medical Ward, then in A&E, Where I stayed until 2013, when I joined the ambulance Service as an ECA. After 3 years, despite being on the wrong side of 40, I was persuaded to take the ECA to EMT pathway, and qualified as an EMT in 2016, going on to become a Senior EMT in 2017. In 2019, things took a rather unexpected turn, I sustained an injury whilst at work, resulting in spinal fractures and a rather large, herniated disc. This is when I first became aware of the GMB. After a year of being on sick leave, I was facing losing my job, as I was unable to return to the role, I had worked so hard to gain, and loved, and so had to look for redeployment. After having no communication from the Union, I was a member of at that time, and was fast approaching a Capability hearing, I contacted the GMB. It was a very dark time for me, and if not for GMB and Donna Thomas in particular, I would most certainly have lost everything I had worked so hard to gain. She helped get me redeployed into A Make Ready Operative role, and persuaded me to become a GMB Workplace Organiser, as I had experienced first-hand, how devastating, and frustrating it is to lose the role I loved, I wanted to support others through difficult processes, so they would not have to experience, what I went through. Now Donna is stepping down, I will be stepping into her very awesome shoes. I want to tell you that I am passionate about our Branch, and with the guidance of and wisdom of Donna Thomas, Chris Bretton, our fantastic Branch Secretary, and the rest of the awesome Reps we have here in EEAST, I will do the very best I can for you all. Now we have recognition with the Trust, the sky is the limit! Best Wishes, Jo Callaghan
Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Position: Branch Chair / West Suffolk Lead
Email Address:
Mobile Number: 07858 271027


Hi colleagues,


Paul Cullen here, Workplace Organiser for West Suffolk, working out of Bury St Edmunds, Parkway station. I joined GMB in 2018 after becoming disillusioned with the 'official' Union in EEAST and became a Workplace Organiser/'Rep' in 2020.

I began my Ambulance Service career in Manchester on PTS in 1996 and started as an EMT in 2001, transferring to EEAST in 2008. After 16 years as an EMT I became a Paramedic and first registered in 2017. As Workplace Organisers we can advise you on hearings, disciplinaries and other employment & work-related matters. We can represent you if needed or accompany you to make sure Management stick to the rules and policies.

Remember you’re only a false allegation away from losing your income or reputation and only as a member of GMB can you call on GMB Reps and Legal Services to fight the injustices I unfortunately see all the time. You insure your car, your house and your life… Being part of a Union means you’re insuring the job that pays for all that!

Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen

Position: Workplace Organiser - Bedford
Email Address:

Alan Colley

Alan Colley

Position: Workplace Organiser - Bury St Edmonds
Email Address:

Debbie Gibbs

Debbie Gibbs

Position: Workplace Organiser - East Suffolk
Email Address:

Donna Thomas

Donna Thomas

Position: GMB London Regional Organiser
Email Address:
Telephone Number: 07974 179285

Having helpd to lead this branch for the past 12 years from very humble beginnings through to recognition and our membership increasing ten times to what it was at the start, I felt I needed a new challenge. I now work permanently for the GMB and am very lucky to have this branch as part of my remit within the NHS.
Gary Applin

Gary Applin

Position: Branch H&S Lead - Based West Suffolk
Email Address:

I have been a trade unionist for a number of years and my reason for being a representative is that I dislike unfairness immensely that I have been on the end of, and I have looked after members who have been subjected to unfairness and bullying over many years. Apart from this my pet hates are excuses especially when it concerns to staff welfare and bad drivers.  I joined GMB and feel we are the best fair, equitable and member focussed Trade Union within the Trust.
Kieran Jopling

Kieran Jopling

Position: Workplace Organiser - East Suffolk
Email Address:

Hi I'm Kieran.  I've been employed by EEAST for 6 years.  I am on my Student Paramedic pathway, based in East Suffolk. In my time with EEAST I have worked in Patient Transport in Suffolk, and the Norwich control room as a call handler before moving out on to the road when I joined the SAP pathway. I enjoy new challenges and helping others suceed as well as advising and guiding people.  I am looking forward to my new journey with the GMB. In my spare time I enjoy family days out with my partner and children, particularly going to the zoo or swimming.
Lewis Roberts

Lewis Roberts

Position: Workplace Organiser - North Essex
Email Address:

Rik Gray

Rik Gray

Position: Workplace Organiser - Norwich
Email Address:
Telephone Number: 07876182084

I have been employed by the East of England Ambulance Trust since 1999 when I started as a control assistant before becoming an EMT. I qualified as a paramedic via the Northampton university student paramedic pathway in 2016 and I'm registered with the College of Paramedics.  With the Trust, I work part-time (helps with stress and would encourage others to do this too!) and I also work as a police custody medic for CRG Medical Services across Norfolk and Suffolk.   I represent members in Norfolk and also Suffolk if required. My passions are mental health and ensuring it is addressed by the Trust, health and safety (previously IOSH trained and involved with the HSE for improvement notices served to the Trust for manual handling and violence and aggression) and finally, trying to get the ambulance service into the 21st century by having ambulance crews being able to access patient records! Please contact me for queries or support, I am happy to email management if you are struggling with issues to remind them of your employment rights (but in a diplomatic way of course!).
Stephanie Beckwith

Stephanie Beckwith

Position: Workplace Organiser - South Essex
Email Address:

Steve Colmer

Steve Colmer

Position: Workplace Organiser - Management Support